专利名称:Uninterruptible power supply apparatus发明人:Eduardo Kazuhide Sato,Masahiro
Kinoshita,Yushin Yamamoto,Tatsuaki Amboh
摘要:In an uninterruptible power supply apparatus, a common mode current flowingfrom nodes (N to N) to a line of a ground voltage (GND) through a stray capacitance () ofa battery () is limited by a common mode reactor (), and the low-level common mode
current passing through the common mode reactor () is caused to flow to a virtualneutral line (NL) through a common mode capacitor (). Therefore, the level of noisecaused by the common mode current can be reduced.
申请人:Eduardo Kazuhide Sato,Masahiro Kinoshita,Yushin Yamamoto,Tatsuaki Amboh
地址:Minato-ku JP,Minato-ku JP,Minato-ku JP,Minato-ku JP
代理机构:Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt, L.L.P.