
读后续写练习写作+讲义 高三英语一轮复习

2023-10-13 来源:年旅网
读后续写练习写作 讲义




For years, my wife Teresa taught physical education at the elementary school level. Travelling on a regular schedule to the six schools in her district, she had a chance to get to know most of the kids in the area and see them at their best and their worst. One day, in her class, Teresa noticed a third-grade girl, Meagan, who was short and grossly overweight, with a closed and hopeless look on her face. Meagan always sat alone in class, played alone at break, and ate alone from a recycled paper sack at lunch. The teachers and staff were kind to Meagan, but the students were not.

The stories made your shoulders drop. Teresa heard that when the playground supervisors (管理员) turned their backs, kids would run up to Meagan, calling her “Meagan the Fat Pig.” They did far worse than isolate (孤立) her; they filled her school days and walks home with physical and emotional torment(折磨). Also, Meagan’s single mother, a hard-working woman, was trying her best to make ends meet but she had never made it before.

Meagan’s situation disturbed my wife deeply. After talking with the principle and other teachers, Teresa came up with an idea. She knew from talking to Meagan that the child had never had a pet. Teresa was sure a pet would be the perfect way to inject some high-powered love and acceptance into Meagan’s life.

So one Saturday afternoon, Meagan was invited to Teresa’s office. When the door buzzer sounded, a dog engaged in a predictable and vigorous welcome. Getting down on one knee, Teresa introduced herself to Meagan. She told Meagan her thought that she could take away a puppy if she liked. Like any creature that has been cared about,

Meagan gleamed in her eyes and playfully lifted the puppy almost off the ground. That day Meagan left the office with the puppy. 注意:

1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Paragraph 1: Now she had a living, breathing friend who wanted to play with her.

Paragraph 2: Ten years later, Teresa received an invitation to the high school graduation ceremony from Meagan, where Meagan made a speech.


Now she had a living, breathing friend who wanted to play with her. The whole day, Meagan took the puppy around the campus, showed him her favorite places there and fed him with her dishes and snacks. After school, when Meagan left school, with the puppy in her warm hands, a bright smile, which had never crossed on her face, played around her mouth. From that day forward, Teresa said, they became inseparable companions, exploring the local park, curling up together for bedtime stories and making friends with those who had pet dogs. And of course, a new Meagan appeared. Instead of a closed and hopeless look, Meagan began to wear a soft, delighted expression on her face. (105w)

Ten years later, Teresa received an invitation to the high school graduation ceremony from Meagan, where Meagan made a speech. Seated on the chair, Teresa saw Meagan with a confident smile on her face, who she hardly recognized, stepping up to the platform. Meagan delivered a heartfelt speech, where she shared how the puppy changed her dull and hopeless life into a one full of unconditional acceptance, company, and affection. At the end of her speech, Meagan turned to Teresa, choking

on tears, “Thank you, Teresa. It was your simple act of kindness that changed my life.” Her words touched the hearts of everyone present, and a great roar of applause broke out. (93w)


Now she had a living, breathing friend who wanted to play with her. The cute puppy loved to cuddle up next to her on the sofa and sleep next her on the bed. When Meagan came home from school, the puppy would rush to the door, and follow her from room to room through the house. They became close ones, being together whenever and wherever possible. Energized by the puppy's unconditional love, limitless affection and loyalty, Meagan began to blossom. She did find fellow pet lovers who befriended her, and things began to improve for her physically, emotionally, and socially. (87w)

Ten years later, Teresa received an invitation to the high school graduation ceremony from Meagan, where Meagan made a speech. When Meagan strode to the platform, head high and beaming, Teresa hardly recognized her. She gave a speech on the importance of acceptance and friendship. She talked about the puppy and the great teacher she’d met in the third grade who had helped her climb the steep and treacherous slope of her childhood. It was the puppy who had comforted her when there wasn’t enough to eat in the house and who had stayed by her while she sobbed her heart out. At the conclusion of the speech, Meagan lifted her hands high, displaying a photograph of the puppy, saying, \"Thank you, puppy, my close friend. Thank you, Teresa, my great teacher!'\" As she described, the crowd rose to their feet with cheers, laughter, and long, thunderous applause. (128w)

读后续写:Sock-eater ants

Sock-eater ants are made-up animals with the best intention ever.

“Ow!Ow!” I shouted as I broke my jump rope rhythm and trapped my feet in the loose rope. “Something in my shoe is biting me,” I screamed. My teacher, Miss Bell, heard me and hurried over. “Which foot is it?” she asked. I stuck up my right foot as she bent over to in-spect it. Just then, feeling a new sting, I yelped in pain. “Here. Let's take off your shoe.” Instructed Miss Bell, squatting down to get the shoe.

Then, I remembered the holes in my socks. Welfare socks didn‘t last long. Holes in socks were common for our family in the years following the Great Depression. Socks with holes in the heels often got pulled down so the hole wouldn’t show. Where there was a hole, there would soon be a blister. Every week as she washed our clothes, Mama would say, “Even if we’re poor and our clothes are worn out, we can still be clean.”

I refused to let Miss Bell take off my shoe. I could not bear for her and the others on the playground to see the hole in my faded red sock. “Come on,then. Let's go inside to the office.” I did my best to hold back my tears. Yet, each time the thing in my shoe stung me, I would let out aloud, “Oh, oh, oh!” Tears raced down my twisted face.

Miss Bell lifted me onto the desk and tried again. “Let me take a look.” She just about had the shoe off when I saw the hole. I grabbed the shoe and pulled on and held it. The stinging worsened the tighter I grabbed the shoe. Miss Womble, the fifth-grade teacher, came into the office. “Can I help? I know her. She lives next door to me.” “I guess ants are stinging her right foot, but she won't let me take off her shoe,” said Miss Bell.

Para 1: Miss Womble put both hands on my shaking shoulders and looked into my upset, red yes.

Para 2: Dealing with the angry bites gently, Miss Womble lifted her head and smiled at me.


Miss Womble put both hands on my shaking shoulders and looked into my upset, red yes. As if reading my mind (有效衔接,“看look”出了我的小心思), she comforted, \"I've experienced this before, you know, it's killing me!\" Curiosity about her similar miserable experience partly eased my pain, and I asked, \"What was it then?\" \"It's the sock-eating ant!\" She continued, “The rice-sized ant even left a hole on my sock after its feast!” (延续原文话语使用以及角色互动,点出文章首段what is the best intention) Then she squatted down and began to pull my foot out. This time, I didn’t refuse.(人物变化) Out came my sock with a big hole on it and a fresh red blister on my toe. Before I knew it, Miss Womble quickly slipped off my sock and tossed it. “What a big ant!” exclaimed Miss Belt, exchanging an assuring smile with Miss Womble (丰富人物形象), who proceeded to grab the medicine box on the table and took out a cotton bud, alcohol and a woundplast.(动作推进情节发展,衔接下文开头句)

Dealing with the angry bites gently, Miss Womble lifted her head and smiled at me. “You are such a brave girl! I was crying for a long time then.”(合理衔接smile) Miss Belt nodded approvingly and retreated out of the office for her duty. In the room were just the two of us. (人物退出场景) After helping me on the sock and the shoe, she rose to her feet, lifted me off the desk, and said gently as she always did, “There won’t be any sock-eaters!” (仍然未提家境或贫穷,延续best intention) That afternoon, she accompanied me home, sharing about her story of becoming a teacher despite her poor family condition.(协同“邻居”) Till today, her witty words, her bright smile, and her careful treatment can still vividly be played in my mind. As a grown-up, I have already known it was a just made-up story, but this experience was imprinted in me and will always remind me to pass on the best intention to protect the self-esteem of others in need. (呼应首段,表明分享此经历的原因和此事的当下及长远影响)


Miss Womble put both hands on my shaking shoulders and looked into my upset, red yes. “Oh, yes,” she said, as if remembering a fact. “I had a bite from one of those sock eaters. By the time I got my shoe off, that ant had eaten almost the entire bottom off my sock.” She nodded her head up and down as she looked at Miss Bell. She returned the nod, as if she, too, had been bitten by sock-eating ants. “Let me see here.” She freed my heel from the shoe. “Just what I thought. Those sock ants have eaten part of her sock.” Miss Bell opened the medicine cabinet, got a cotton ball, and saturated it with alcohol. Miss Womble slipped off my shoe and sock and shook both of them over the grey trash bucket. Two red ants fell into the waiting container. My swollen foot throbbed.

Dealing with the angry bites gently, Miss Womble lifted her head and smiled at me. “You're going to be okay now,” she said softly. The alcohol ball stroking my savage bruises, it felt cool. By now, there were just Miss Womble and me in the office as Miss Belt had gone to her duty. “You were a pretty brave girl to take that many bites. I think you should leave this shoe and sock off a while.” She helped me off the desk. “Wait for me after school, and we'll walk home together.” Pride can be a wonderful, terrible thing. I knew that Miss Womble had saved my pride with her sock-eating ant story. She had seen that I would rather be stung to death than to let others see my poverty. This kind, insightful teacher had taught me a lesson of compassion that I have applied all my life.

