
2014 五上 unit 5 There is a big bed 全英文教案

2023-06-07 来源:年旅网
_Unit 5 年 月 日 Title Teaching aims Unit 5 There is a big bed 第1课时 总课时 6 (1). Be able to read and say: “There is a…”. (2). Be able to master those words: plant,bike,water bottle,photo, clock, in four skills. (3). Be able to describe the rooms by using the new words. Key points Master the words: plant,bike,water bottle,photo, clock, in four skills. Difficult points Replace the words: plant,bike,water bottle,photo, clock,according to the sentence. Measures TPR Pairwork Groupwork survey Key points Difficult points Teaching aids English cards,room’s photos, ppt Teaching steps Step I Warming up 1.Free talk. 2.What’s in the room? Look at the pictures and say. Step II Presentation 1.Lead in a. 1. T: Look! There is a house. This is my house. There is a living room…(ppt show the house and the rooms) b. T: Can you guess what’s in my bedroom? c. Ss: A bed, a desk and a …? d. T: Now let’s go and have a look. 2.Let’s learn 1).This is my bedroom. In the room , there is a clock and a bottle. a. Mike likes bikes. A small lock and a big clock. The little boy and the little bottle. b. There is a clock/ bottle in my room. 2).Show a picture of a mouse. a. Hi, my name’s Tod. I’m a doctor. b.Find the rule orange, doctor, clock, bottle, Tod c.Rhyme: My name’s Tod, I am a doctor . There is a clock in my big room. 3).Show another mouse. Hi! I’m Coke. I’m a photographer. I can take a photo Chant: photo, photo, take a photo 4).M1: What’s in your bag? M2: A photo of my room M1: What’s in your room? M2:…(talk big) Practice : plant, bike, water bottle, photo Step Ⅲ Consolidation and extension a. Do listening practice in the exercise book. b. Write the four-skilled words four times. Preview homework homework homework 1. Write the words. 2. Play the talking big game with your friends. Unit 5 There is a big bed Board design This is my room. There is a clock. plant,bike,water bottle,photo, clock 一、反思教材的使用和学生的学习情况。 本节课我对教材的分析很到位,也很准确,剖析了是第一课时的There be句型,通过实际操练对话内容和描述图片里的物品能够充分运用There be?句型,了解学生的心里状态和接受能力,图文并茂创设情境来学习新知。并能在教学中准确地把握教材,运用教材,通过为自己设计卧室并对教材做了适当地拓展,能有效Teaching notes 地激发学生的学习兴趣,注重学生的个体差异,给他们每个人都创造表现自我的机会,树立学生的自信心,让他们尽情体味成功,从而树立终身学习的思想。 二、 反思教学目标、重、难点的确定。 本节课的教学目标制定科学合理,体现了新课标的要求,注重了学生情感、态度、价值观的培养。重、难点的设置也很恰当,可见我对教材和学情的分析很到位,教学重、难点的准确把握保证了教学的正确方向。 listen to the words and dialogue on P49. 三、 反思教学环境和教学资源的处理。 在教学中我充分运用了学校的多媒体教学设备,并对教学资源进行了有效地整合,从教学的反馈情况来看,学生们对于这种教学模式很喜欢,课堂上积极参与,更好地配合教师来完成各个活动,可见有效地利用教学资源能更好地完成教学目标。 _Unit 5 年 月 日 Title Teaching aims Unit 5 There is a big bed 第2课时 总课时 6 (1). Be able to say: There is a….My computer is here on the desk. and can use it freely. (2). Be able to understand the “Let’s try”, and to finish the exercise. Key points Master the sentences of this lesson, and can use it freely in daily life. TPR Pairwork Groupwork survey Key points Measures Difficult Difficult points points Help students to catch the new words and new sentence in “Let’s talk”. Teaching English cards, room’s photos, pictures, ppt aids Teaching steps Step I Warming up 1.Free talk 2.Guess game T: I have six photos of bedroom. Do you know which one is my bedroom? You can ask me: What’s in your bedroom? Who want to have a try? S1: What’s in your bedroom? T: There is … S2: Oh, the second photo is your bedroom. T: Yes, the second photo is my bedroom. You’re right. 3.What’s in the room? S1: There is a water bottle in the bedroom. S2: Oh, it’s nice. S1: There is a photo on the wall. S2: I like the photo. Step II Presentation 1. Let’s try (Do listening practice.) Explain how to do. 2. Let’s talk T: There is a photo of Zhang Peng’s room. Sarah and Zhang Peng are talking about the room. Let’s listen to the tape and know something about their talking. a. Try to answer ① Is Zhang Peng’s room nice? ② Is the bed big or small? ③ Where is the computer? b. Listen to the tape and read after it. c. Describe the rooms. There is a … Step Ⅲ Consolidation and extension a. Do the listening practice in exercise book. Explain how to do first. b. Listen to the tape and read it to your friends. c. Tell your partners what you have learned in “this lesson”. d. Write about your rooms. Preview homework homework homework listen to the dialogue on P48. 1. Recite the dialogue on P48. 2. Read your passage about your rooms to your friends. Unit 5 There is a big bed A. Let’s try A. Let’s talk Board design Your room is really nice. There is a big bed. Wow! You look cool! Hey, my computer is here on the desk. Unit 5 年 月 日 Title Unit 5 There is a big bed 第3课时 总课时 6 (1). Imitate and pronounce the words correctly. By reading and listening to a Teaching lot of example words, master the pronunciation of “ai”and”ay”in the words. 2. To cultivate students' ability of reading and writing through the aims experience of phonics. Key points Key points Imitate and pronounce the words correctly. Measures TPR Pairwork Groupwork Difficult points Difficult Try to read and write points through the experience of phonics. Teaching English cards, pictures, ppt aids Teaching steps Step I Warming up 1.????? Enjoy the song: A Phonics Song Lyrics: A is for apple. B is for ball… 2.????? Questions and answers about the song: What’s this song about? (Letter names and letter sounds) How many letters and how many sounds? (26 letters and 26 sounds) Step II Presentation 1. Listen to a story?. At the end of this lesson, all of you should be able to read this story fluently and accurately, and most of you will be able to retell the story with the pictures and some key words. 2. Try to find the pronunciation rule. (1). Listen, circle and check Listen to the story and circle all the words with long a sound. E.g. A? day? in? may (2).?Classify these words: game take wave make gail mail brain rain ray day gray way May play tray (3). Study the chart and find the rules for the words with the long a sound. A.??? Letter a+1 consonant+silent e e.g.?game. B.???? Letters ai together are in the middle of the word, e.g.?rain. a_e game take wave make ai Gail mail brain rain ay Ray day gray way May Play tray C.???? Letters ay together are at the end of the word, like play. Words like?crayon, and always?are special. If we write them like this, craion, alwais, they would look very strange. The word crayfish is made up of?cray?and?fish. 3. Let’s blend the following words. Say day way may play pray Rain wait mail brain drain 4. Do the exercises on page 50 ??? Listen, read and circle. 5.Write down the words you hear. trail,? sway(ing)… 6.Group work: Finish each word chain. Leave?ai?or?ay?in the words. Add or change one letter at a time. E.g. Go from?sail?to?trail. sail ---tail---trail 1) Go from?lay?to?gray Lay---ray---gray 7..Go from?mail?to?brain mail---main---rain---brain 8.Look and say Look at the title of the story?A Day in May?and predict what may happen in the story. Try to answer some questions: It?is?a?day?in?May. It?is?a?good?play?day. Invite?friends?to?come?and?stay. Sail?a?boat?on?the?bay 1)?Which season is May in? (Spring.) 2)?What’s the weather like in spring? (It’s rainy /a rainy day.) 3)??How many people are there in the story, since we have heard the story twice. (Two) Yes, this boy is Ray and the girl Gail is Ray’s best friend. 9.??Talk about the pictures. 1)??Look at the cover of the book and answer: Whose day is the story about? 2)???Picture 1 Where is Ray? Will the rain stop? Will Ray stay home all day? What will he do on this rainy day? (See his friend Gail. Gail is ill at home.) Just guess: What will Ray use since it is raining. (Umbrella.) 3)?Just read the sentences under Picture 3. What is the word?this?stand for? (Umbrella.) What’s the meaning of?dry? (Yes, it’s the opposite word of?wet. ) …... Practice reading the story and retell the story with the help of the wordless picture story. Some key words are given. Step Ⅲ Consolidation and extension Fulfill the tasks: 1.??Read aloud the story together fluently and accurately. 2.??Ss retell the story. Preview homework homework homework listen to the words and chant on P50. 1. Read the words on P50. 2. Try to read and write through the experience of phonics. Board design Unit 1 What’s he like? A. Let’s spell ai /ei/ rainy rainbow paint wait ay /ei/ say way birthday Monday _Unit 5 年 月 日 Title Unit 5 There is a big bed 第4课时 总课时 6 (1). Be able to ask: “Where is the ball” and answer like this: It’s …. Teaching (2). Be able to master those words: front,between,above,beside,behind, in front of, in four skills. aims (3). Be able to describe position by using the new words. Key points Master the words: front,between,above,beside,behind, in front of, in four skills. Difficult points The Ss can use these words to describe position. TPR Pairwork Groupwork survey Key points Difficult points Measures Teaching English cards, photos, ppt aids Teaching steps Step I Warming up a.Free talk. b.act and say on/in/under /near c.Look at the pictures and say Where is the …? It’s on /in/under/near the …. Step II Presentation 1. Let’s learn a.Talk about the ball in the picture. Where is the ball? It’s between/above/beside/behind/in front of the dogs/dog. 2.Let’s chant Where is the ball? It’s in front of the dog. There is a ball in front of the dog. 3.Practice a. Listen and do eg: T: Stand behind your chair. b.Read after the tape. Step Ⅲ Consolidation and extension a. Find and say b. Show some pictures and try to describe the position. c. Write the four-skilled words four times. Preview homework homework homework 1. Write the words. 2. Describe your rooms. Unit 5 There is a big bed B. Let’s learn B. Find and say - Where is the ball? - It’s in front of the dog. in front of between above beside behind listen to the words and dialogue on P52. Board design _Unit 5 年 月 日 Title Unit 5 There is a big bed 第5课时 总课时 6 Teaching (1). Be able to say: There are many/lots of …, and can use it freely. (2). Be able to understand the “Let’s try”, and to finish the exercise. aims Key points Key points Master the sentences of this lesson, and can use it Measures TPR Pairwork Groupwork survey Difficult freely in daily life. points Difficult points Help students to catch the new words and new sentence in “Let’s talk”. Teaching English cards, room’s photos, pictures, ppt aids Teaching steps Step 1Warm-up 1.Greetings. 2.Play a game. Look and guess. Revise different kinds of room patterns. Step 2 Presentation 1.Present the key sentences. ①Show Zhang Peng’s room. Ask : What’s in his room? Revise There is…(a photo, a clock, a bike, a plant, a water bottle… ) in the room. Have the students read it together. ②Introduce Zhang Peng’s living room. Say: This is Zhang Peng’s living room. Listen and choose. What’s in the living room? Some pictures? Some flowers? Or some toys? Teach: flowers. Whisper the sound of flowers. Check the answer: Some pictures. ③Bb: There are so many pictures here.. Ask: Who draws them? Oh, Zhang Peng’s father. Teach: draw very well. 2.Present the key phrases. ① Present the plant. ?Say: What else can you find? Bb: There are lots of plants in the room. Teach: lots of =many ②Whose plants are they? They are my grandmother’s. Teach: grandmother + grandfather = grandparents. ③Why do they have so many plants? Because they have a garden. Step 3 Practice 1.Listen and choose. Play the tape for 2 times. Where is the garden? Teach: in front of their house. 2.Role play. Listen and imitate. Act it out in groups of 3. 3.Look and say. ?Look carefully at the main scene. What else are there in the room? Say it in groups. What’s in the living room? There is … There are… Step 4 Extension 1.Write a short passage about your dream house. My dream house I have a dream house. There is… here. There are …in my house…. I like my dream house very much. 2.Make a report. Preview homework homework homework listen to the dialogue on P51. 1. Recite the dialogue on P51. 2. Try to describe your dream house to your friends. Unit 5 There is a big bed B. Let’s try B. Let’s talk Board design What’s in the living room? There is … There are so many pictures here. There are lots of plants in the room. 本节课我较好的完成了预定的教学目标和内容。从学生的认知规律入手,由浅入深,由易到难,降低了英语语言学习的难度。同时充分利用实物、图片、多媒体Teaching notes 教学等直观教学手段,调动了学生多种感观投入到语言学习中来。还利用TPR、歌曲等活泼有趣的形式,增强了课堂教学的感染力,并采用实地应用语言的活动,提高了教学效果。 _Unit5 年 月 日 Title Teaching aims Unit 5 There is a big bed 第6课时 总课时 6 (1). Be able to understand and read the passage about Robin. (2). Be able to finish the exercise on P53. (3). Complete \"Let's check\"?and \"Let's wrap it up\"?. Key points Be able to understand and read the passage about Robin. Difficult points Help students to finish “Let's wrap it up”. TPR Pairwork Groupwork Key points Difficult points Measures Teaching English cards , room’s photos, pictures, ppt aids Teaching steps Step I Warming up a.act and say on/in/under/near/behind/in front of/beside/between/above b.Ask and answer. T: What’s in the room? Ss: There is a …. T: Where is the …? Ss: It’s …. Step II Presentation 1.Show the picture of a mouse moving house. a. learn : mouse , move b.Look, here is the rubbish and there is the rubbish. The rubbish is everywhere. It’s dirty. Can you say sth about the room. c.Sx: There is …. There are …. 2.Read and write. a. Read the diary. Try to find the right picture “ Which is Mr Jone’s room?”. Underline the key words. b.Read and judge ① Mr Jones is an art teacher. ② The rooms in the old house are clean. ③ There are pencils and crayons on the table. ④ There is a mouse in front of the computer. Answers: ① T, ② F, ③ F, ④ F c. Write three sentences about the room. d. Listen to the tape and read after it. Step Ⅲ Consolidation and extension a.Finish “Let’s check”. b.Finish”Let’s wrap it up”. Preview homework homework homework listen to the e-mail on P53. 1. Read the e-mail on P53. 2. Show and describe your room to your friends. Unit 5 There is a big bed B. Read and write B. Let’s check Your room is really nice. Board design There is a big bed. My computer is here on the desk. Where is the ball? It’s in front of the dog. There are so many plants here, too. There are lots of flowers in it, too. 反思教学方法和教学策略。本节课中我使用多种教学方法相结合的方式,让他们相辅相成,充分地为教学服务,从学生们一直饱满的精神面貌来看,多媒体的教学手段是有效的、成功的。学生的学法和教师的教法达成了一致,小组——合作——探究的学习方式已经成为教学的主导,学生已经成为学习的主人,教师在教学中充分发挥了组织者和引领者的作用,师生合作融洽,教学氛围和谐。总的来看教学Teaching 策略的正确运用使得本节课无大的瑕疵,但是还应继续努力,使教学更加完美. notes 英语课程的评价要尽可能做到评价主体的多元化,评价形式和内容的多样化,评价目标的多维化。根据新课程标准的评价建议,本节课我主要采用了自我评价,同伴评价,教师评价的方式。学生在课堂上的任意环节,如果认为自己表现得好,可以在书上盖一个自己喜欢的印章;小组活动中,由小组成员共同评价自己的表现,表现突出的可以由组长;老师的评价贯穿于整堂课,随时给予学生表扬,鼓励或者提醒。

